lighting need for anemones


Active Member
Anemones generally do best under metal halide lighting, it really depends on what kind of anemone it is and what mimics its natural enviroment, very broad question ;) Did you have a praticular species in mind?


I bought a haddoni from SWF. It was doing pretty good until I feed it shrimp on Sunday. Thought maybe lighting might be the issue instead of the feeding.


Active Member
What kind of lighting do you have? Also I think the anenome might look bad b/c it is digesting its food. Just a thought.


Active Member
How did you acclimate the anemone? What is your current lighting? What did the anemone do when you fed it? Carpet anemones can be extremely hard to keep and have a poor track record in captivity, questions pertaining to how much light an anemone needs should be asked long before you purchase one, Im not trying to flame you, but you will have much better luck in the future if you make sure a certain creatures requirements are met before you get it. HTH


Active Member
You think there vho's? It's one thing to own vho bulbs but another to have the ballest to run them. What type ballest do you have? I have kept 11 anemonies alive and growing for about 8 months on vho lighting. With a ice cap 660 running them.
What type of anemonie are you looking to own?


depends on the anemone. Ritters like halides and will climb to them but are hard to keep. Bubble tip can do well under vho. But i prefer to have halides. then the anemone can go lower,shade itself if wanted .But if you don't have enough you need to suppliment with good feedings 2-3x a week. i would only buy captive prop. They should live hundreds of years