lighting needed...


Hey Guys,
I need to buy a 250 watt 14,000K HQI MH and a Hamilton minipendant.....
Not exactly sure what all that means, but that's what I need...
I have a thirty gallon set up that I would like to have an anemone in, and the advice was that I get the lighting listed above:D
If anyone has any objections, or anyother lighting they feel that would work hust as well that they have for sell, please just let me know...


Active Member
A 150W HQI would do for your 30 gallon...unless your tank is more than 18" deep (which I doubt for a 30 gallon).. The HQI bulbs put out more light than a standard mogul base.
As far as the 14,000K goes, that is a good spectrum (not too blue, not too white) to use.


I also plan :thinking: on having a pair of clowns and hopefully a whole reef set up...
ONE STEP AT TIME.....:yes:


I have a hamilton 175w bell pendant white with a brand new 20k bulb less than 30 hours use on it extra long cord on the ballast so just plug and you have light retail is 189.99 on the light and 89,99 on the bulb so asking 150 plus shipping.