Lighting on a 90


Picking up a 90 gallon acrylic tank in the next few days and have a question about the lighting. Do I do MH or can I get away with some PC? I will be doing a FOWLR, no corals.. Just fish... Also would it be possible to put an Anenomie in there? Do they require a lot of lighting or can i go cheaper with the PC. I do have 2 Clownfish in a 12 gallon nano that i will be putting in the new tank....and would like to get them a new pad... Any lighting suggestions would be appreciated...


Active Member
For a fowlr, the standard strip flourescents will be fine. You can upgrade to pc's however IMO, these won't be sufficient for an anemone. Keep in mind your clowns will be fine w/o an anemone.


Active Member
Once you add that anemone you are no longer a FOWLR. If you want to keep an anemone you'll need either T5 or MH lighting. Standard PC's wont cut it.


I know they would be good w/o an anenomie but thought it might be cool to have. Would T5's be on with an anenomie? MH is just so freeking expensive..