Lighting Project ... Need Help!


I'm a newbie to the saltwater fish hobby (as some of you may already know), but I have been looking into upgrading my standard lights that came with the tank to something better, because I am going to do a FOWLR and possibly (in the distant future) try some soft corals. I have seen a customsealife PC (smartlite series) for $124.99 which is awesome for my budget. It has 2 65W bulbs ... I'm sure yo u know the details. However, I was talking to my LFS and looking on here and everyone seems to recommend VHO. I really don't know a lot about lighting ... so my question is, if I want to build a canopy, with VHO lighting, what should I look for as far as ballasts, and bulbs? Anyone have instructions or plans? I have a 55 gal tank and I cannot hang lighting from the ceiling, so I was looking into building a full canopy that covers the top of the tank. Any help is great, thanks!!
Heres the PC by customsealife:


I have just the regular lights that came from all glass. I added a better white bulb(the one that comes with it is just a shop light) and a blue actinic bulb. My live rock and fish are doing well. Purple growth and not really any other algea(I use RO water)


Can't help with building the canopy part as I am woodworking challenged:)
but the DIY VHO set up I have done and it's cheap and easy.
Start with a Workhorse 7 ballast ($45-$50 at most electrical warehouse's). some VHO end Caps ($6 - $10 pretty much anywhere on the internet). 2 110w VHO bulbs ($24-$29 ea anywhere on the net). Wiring is easy and you can do a search here for the diagram. You can either make a DIY reflector or go without since the VHO bulbs have built in reflectors.