Lighting Q' for a bubble tip need help asap



I have a 30 gallon tank with a
Coralife light
10,000k 65 watts
actinic 65watts
2 leds
I add photoplex 3 times a week mon wed fir
and essential elements once every other week
I have had a blub anemone and I just got a bubble tip today
and some hairy mushrooms
I am wondering how long I should run each setting light and moon and dark
I am wondering if u can do about getting my 2 false's to host to my
new bubble tip anemones and also sometime's during the day some mushrooms will shrink and the others will be all the way open and i notice that some of my hermit are on the base of the mushrooms and I was wondering if they are harming them at all and the one mushrooms keeps shrinks
it opens up but it keeps shrinking ????
all my water setting are in the green but my nitrate's they are a little high
I am having problems with that to i do weekly water changes and as soon has a slip a lit they go in the red ......... My sand bed is 3'' deep and I have a good water changer that hooks up to your sink and sucks it down the drain
I get my water from the pet store premixed 1$ a gallon not to bad
I have my rocks on top of the sand bed should I burried the rocks to the bottom.....
ty everyone for your input



Well your bubble tip jut need time to adjust d als unless there issometin in thetank that needs phyto, i would dich it as neite hing you mentioned needs it. anemones need to be spot feed once a week to stay health and do not like high nitrates one bit. As for the clowns to host it, well thats up to them,and tis nothing you can do tocoax them into doing it.


I am not sure how often I can make water changes to get my nitrates down
and also I think anemones need photoplex right???


I still need to get a lighting schedule for the anemoes and mushrooms


NO they don't need phyto, maybe some zooplex, as for lighting start with 8 on and 16 off and move it up slowly til you get to 12 on 12off.


12 hours on light how many hours of lights for the arctic light?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Denniscoy420
12 hours on light how many hours of lights for the arctic light?

IMO your over feeding, phyto is a very small micron of food for a tank your size once a week is sufficient, and depending on what you have in your tank may not be necessary at all.
As for you light schedule, IMO 12 hours is too long, 10 at best even 8 might be doable. You have PC lighting on a 30gal tank, your border line with light as far as intensity goes for your anemone. This is where IMO the discussion of PC lighting for some anemones leaves PC light owners with a false sense of hope. In some cases yes it can be done, however in many others its just not enough light. It maybe because the anemone is weaker than others, or something else is off in your tank. Using marginal lighting the survival rate of these animals drops exponentially. However, under the correct lighting, you would almost have to try to kill them, as they are very hardy under optimal conditions.
If you lighting was stronger, meaning more intense not more wattage, then you wouldnt have to feed your anemone at all. No BTA's do not need to be spot feed or need zoe plankton for food. They get 90% of what they need from the light and 10% of what they need from trace elements in your water. Also you wouldnt have to keep your lights on that long either, as the more intense lighting would make up for time spent being on.
On a guess you have a lot of excess nutrients in your tank if you are dosing phyto that much, hence the shade of green your water is turning. I would start frequent water changes and stop dosing phyto for a while. HTH.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HOBrien
its the standard 75 gal......48x18x21
IMO High end HO-T5's with individual parabolic reflectors and good bulbs. Like the TEK or Aquatinic fixtures, are a minimum. Of course you could also get Halides with no issues either. HTH


Active Member
Originally Posted by HOBrien
Ok so would a dual satillite T5 system work. That is what I have
No I believe that the dual satellite fixtures are PC, Power Compacts. They are not intense enough for an anemone in your tank.


If your trates are high water changes are good but maybe try to see why there at the level there at maybe cut back on feeding a little I have the same issue im 26 gal I have hit almost 0 once then never again always fighting the trate battle good luck .