lighting question for 100 gallon


I have a 100 gal tank and am running 8 T5's, 4 Daylight and 4 Actinic blue alternating...can anyone tell me if this is sufficient for reef, and how often to change them out. I have had mine in now for about 8 mos and they seem to be dimming a bit... the life in my tank seem to be doing great, I just don't want anything bad to happen...Thanks oh, and I run them about 10-12 hours a day all together...


Active Member
T5 blues are supposed to last 18 months and the sun or day lights 24 months. If you are overdriving them (Ice Cap Ballasts) knok 4 months off the life expectancy.


Active Member
A lot of people way smarter than me have been testing these things for a long time. The industrial manufacturers list the bulb life anywhere from 24 to 36 months with no loss of intensity. The aquarium people, Ice Cap, Sunlight Supply are using the 18 and 24 month numbers as a result of research done taking the readings.