Lighting question for a new tank


I'm in the prcoess of setting up a 150G Fowler tank. Since it will be just fish with live rock and live sand, what kind and how much lighting do I need? I'm checking here before I go to the LFS so I will know if they are for real or just trying to make a $.


Since it will be fish only, you should be fine with NO (Normal Output) lighting. Just regular flourescents.


Active Member
I have a FOWLR tank and have normal output fluorescents, it's one strip of fluorescents and one which is blue atnics.


Active Member
Yes like it was posted above, regular lighting is fine. But this is an additive hobby, you might eventually get into MH lighting system. I did!

You'd be amazed how much it lights up and make everything look sooo pretty!!! :happyfish


My LFS said the same thing about MH lights tonite. I might just get them as soon as I can afford them that way if in the future I want turn the tnak into a reef system I can.


Active Member
Originally Posted by leftyblite
My LFS said the same thing about MH lights tonite. I might just get them as soon as I can afford them that way if in the future I want turn the tnak into a reef system I can.

That's exactly right!!! :happyfish