Lighting question for anemones.


Active Member
I was planning on using T5 for lighting my first tank. My understanding is this will be plenty for 90% of the organisms out there.
Is this fact or fiction? I am building a reef tank that focuses on Live Rock and Anemones and inverts. Am I shooting myself in the foot by planning on T5's instead of MH? Id rather try to get away from MH cause not only are they ridiculously expensive to purchase...but also electric bills soar.
I don't mind losing a reasonable percentage of Anemones to choose from...but if its more than say....50% of the species out there....I'm really gonna consider MH instead.


Active Member
individually reflected T5HO will be fine... as long as you don't buy a ghetto fixture, you're ok..
they work up to 24inches depth and 30inches depth when overdriven by icecap660 ballasts.
what size tank?


Active Member
55 gal. 12W 18H 48L. (So sounds like I'm good for depth)Got it with a garbage least as far as I was used to light up a freshwater I'm assuming Ill need a new cover. Shouldn't set me back too far.
Still crappy top aside....$140 for 2x55 gal tanks and a stand w/doors(one above for below for sump. Gotta love craigs list.
Glad to hear t5s will provide sufficient lighting for my sytem.


Active Member
WOW, very sexy looking fixture.
I assume they have them in all shapes and sizes and I simply order to match the LxW of my tank. Do they completely seal the tank top? or do I need a special fitting? What I mean is do they sit exposed directly over the tank and allow gaps for fish to "jump" out...or in between the bulbs?


Active Member
Unless your dead set on t5's I can email you a link for some great priced halides that I run..they would have to be retrofitted so you would need a canopy...Also ATI makes great t-5 fixtures and bulbs


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
WOW, very sexy looking fixture.
I assume they have them in all shapes and sizes and I simply order to match the LxW of my tank. Do they completely seal the tank top? or do I need a special fitting? What I mean is do they sit exposed directly over the tank and allow gaps for fish to "jump" out...or in between the bulbs?
actually neptune, what you are going to need to do, since the lights for sw tanks generally speaking arent covers like they are for freshwater, what most people do is go to home depot and buy some egg crate, and cut it to fit over the top of your tank, u can actually cut it so that it will slide right down into the groove around the top inside of the tank, and presto, instant lid :p ur T5HO's by current usa are awesome lights for the price, and will generally stand about 3-4 inches over the top of the tank using the stock mounting brackets :p


Egg crate may reduce the amount of light that enters the tank. In the tanks I have t5's on I cut a piece of clear plexi glass to fit, and lights on top of that.


Originally Posted by King_Neptune
WOW, very sexy looking fixture.
I assume they have them in all shapes and sizes and I simply order to match the LxW of my tank. Do they completely seal the tank top? or do I need a special fitting? What I mean is do they sit exposed directly over the tank and allow gaps for fish to "jump" out...or in between the bulbs?
I have the Extreme Pro. I'd go with a

open top (yeah baby!)
You will have some evaporation but it is better air exchange. I have a 90 and a 55 and they are both open.


I leave a portion in the back open for air exchange over filter area, helps to cut down evaporation and I don't want to loose any fish that may jump and it will protect your fixtures form moisture/ salt creep.