lighting question for thomas


Well its depends on what type of fixture is it. You got Metal Halide, VHO(Very High Output), and PC(Power Compact), I don't know.......4.7 watts per gallon is cutting it pretty close, you might get away with it in the short run with supplemental feeding but I dont think it will last in the long run. You usually want 5-6 watts of Metal Halide per gallon for BTA's. I mean like who knows you could pull it off.


Nah man. Then I wouldnt really recommend purchasing any type of anemone. If you really wanna be serious about keeping them, you should upgrade to Metal Halide lighting, 6-7 watts per gallon. Just lookin' out for you man, Cause I know how fustrating it can be to lose such a beautiful specimen like a Rose Bubble-Tip Anemone.


Originally Posted by NateP206
is 260watts in a 55 gal enough for a rbta?

I was pretty successful with 360 watts VHO over a 55 gallon with anemones. I think that your 260 would be fine for a regular BTA, however the RBTA tend to be more difficult for some people. Both Beth and Kip each had one with plenty of lighting and still the RBTA declined on them.
260watts over a 55gal, I would say try it if you have a mind to. I would like to see a bit more lighting myself, but then I tend to be a bit crazy about that whole photosynthetic thing. Ball park wise though I think you are in the area.


ill ask my lfs what kind of lighting they have on there 1' 6" rbta dont think its as nice as my light and they got it very small and they get all of there rbtas from the same place they r very hardy anemones. thomas u said i would be ok for a bta but not a rbta?


I said they can be a bit more difficult, even with better lighting, which absolves me from guarenteeing any success. :thinking:


I know I'm no thomas and lack the experience, but don't do it man. Chances are very slim its going to be sucessful and then your torturing and killing an animal for a pointless experiment. Add atleast 1 mh fixture to that setup, a 175 mh fixutre will run you around $175 shipped and you know your doing the right thing and increasing your odds of success. Look at it this way you spend 35-60 bucks on an anemone, it dies you threw away a good share of the cash you could have used to get a mh set up. If you shop around,you may find a mh fixture for less, I got a 175 watt custom sealife complete set up for $75 shipped and it worked great.


Active Member
I agree that you're right on the border line too. There are a lot of factors that people dont always take into consideration....for instance, how deep is the tank at your LFS? How tall is it? I would sya that you could give it a try but you would have to have a little luck, as well as getting it most of its nutrients from feeding often.


my tank is still young when it hits the 6 monthes mark i might consiter getting a anemone
the tank at my lfs i beleive is a standard 40 gallon bu that isnt a fator cause the tenticles go up to about an 2-3 inches away from the surface


i checked with the guy at the lfs its in a 55 gall with less then 200 watss and grew that big from a little one so im doin it