Lighting question number 43094234.2


Ok I have been bit by the coral bug, I am about to begin building a stand for a new 75g that I am going to buy myself for easter. My question is simple... would a 260W Dual Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture allow me to keep most kinds of corals? How about a 130W?


Active Member
Not enough light. If you wanna keep all kinds of corals youll need metal halides. 260w will only give you 3.5 watts per gallon. You need at least 5 watts per gallon.


Active Member
You want 4 or more bulbs of good fluorescent (VHO or PC or T5) if you want "most" corals. 2 bulbs = "some" corals. 2 metal halides (250w) would be "all" corals.


Active Member
Should be ok for most corals in a 75, the most light demanding Acropora and Tridacna might be a little out of reach though.