lighting brain


How much lighting does an open brain require? If i have one on top of the lr near the lighting, would 2 watts per gallon work? How much water movement do they like? IF this doesn't work what corals could i keep with 2 watts per gallon? I am looking of something to glow under the actinics.


Active Member
I have never been a fan of watts per gallon... What kind of lighting and tank size? They like a moderate current.
Some other corals that are much hardier than an open brains and also very colorful are lobophylia, scolymia, and cynarina sp.


Active Member
I have a red/green brain under 30 watts of flourescents. He's 6 inches from the light. It couldn't be any healthier. He expands to three times his skeleton size when the lights are on. He's gorgeous but i don't have a pic. I do other things as well such as phytoplankton in the water column and feeding every now and again. But i also did not feed him for months and he still grew. So....
Heres a pic...
This was from may....


Active Member
Hes twice bigger than this now... To get a perspective. See where the xenia begins on the left. He expands out to there now. The xenia is gone btw.