Hope someone can help me with this I have a 72 Gal Oceanic Bow front that is a FOWLR it has a standard twin flouresent light with 2 40 watt bulbs , If i upgrade to a 2 x 55 watt Power compact am i going to see a big difference ? Really wanted to do more but Oceanic tells me that if i put any more than that on top og the glass top it might crack as well as the heat might melt the black ABS Canopy on it.
Hope someone can help me with this I have a 72 Gal Oceanic Bow front that is a FOWLR it has a standard twin flouresent light with 2 40 watt bulbs , If i upgrade to a 2 x 55 watt Power compact am i going to see a big difference ? Really wanted to do more but Oceanic tells me that if i put any more than that on top og the glass top it might crack as well as the heat might melt the black ABS Canopy on it.