Lighting question


OK, I am very new to all of this and i just got my tank (72gal bowfront) and i have it up and running as of last night with live rock, sand etc..
My question is about my lighting, the store that i got it from said that i could have corals, clams, anemones, and stuff but, i just keep thinking its not enough.
Here is what the box reads:
48" 4-lamp 65watt 24hour lighting system
2 65watt sunpaq dual actinic (420nm + 460nm)
2 65 watt sunpaq dual daylight (6700k + 10000k )
four lunar lights
Brand name is ORBIT
Sorry if this is a dumb quetion but i am really lost when it comes to the lighting part of this.


i have just about the same lights and i keep just about all softy corals and some lsp. anemones with no problems, i did recently got more lighting so now i got 4x55 and 2x65, and wow what a difference!!!!!!! gives u more room to keep corals( in the front):happy:


That's the same lighting fixture I have on my 55gal. You'll be able to keep soft corals and some LPS corals. No Clams though.