lighting question


what would be the lowest lighting i could use to have an anemone (30g tank) ... thank you :jumping:
in addition could you list those anemoes also..


Active Member
150 watt metal halide HQI
195 watts of PC (3x65)
192 watts of T5 (8x24w)
225 w of VHO (3x75)
The above could keep BTAs with no problem. Other anemones either are a little too tough to keep in a 30 or need more lighting.


Active Member
I'd say no on the 130 watts. I had the same lighting on my 36 gallon and nearly lost my RBTA because of low lighting. I've since added a 150 watt MH HQI and it's recovered.
I agree with TheGrog's recommendations.


ok.. thnx
is there really any corals that i could have with the 130w that i couldn't have with the 65w?


Active Member
Originally Posted by shiby1510
ok.. thnx
is there really any corals that i could have with the 130w that i couldn't have with the 65w?
Most mushrooms, some zoo polyps. There are a lot of variety (color, shape, size) in those that you could create a diverse coral setup with only a few types. Just be sure to keep up on the water changes and keep your parameters as close to pristine as you can (ZERO ammonia & nitrite, less than 20 nitrate, pH 8.25-8.3, SG 1.025, temp 77-79)
There are corals that don't require lighting but I would stay away from those as they are filter feeders and require large, well established systems with live plankton/microverts.