lighting question


How much light is to much?
I turn my lights on when I get up at 5:30 am and off when I get home at 4 or 5 pm depending on the work load. Do I need a timer? Should I get a fixture with lunar lamps? I have about 3 watts per gal. is that enough to support brain coral?


I definately recommend a timer, adding one made my life much easier. You're probably running your lights a little long. Might cause problems with algae, or it might do nothing...
I think you need more light than that to support a Brain coral, but I am not a expert on corals.


I have not yet added the brain coral But pa$t exp. have tought me to a$k fir$t Pay later.
We want to start 150 gal reef when our house is finished so the nano is our "education". If I can master the nano the 150 would be cake................
I hope


I run a 25 gal fowlr and am hoping to set up a 6 gal reef/coral nano myself. I am hoping to practice on that as well. I've never had corals yet, but really want some and I'd like the experience of a true nano. From what I've read Brains require pretty high light output.
One day(after I get my own house) I hope to get a large long tank to support tangs and the like. I figure if I can support corals in the nano I can move them and frag them out to the others.


The LFS I go to has a 2 gal reef that stocked with everything from xenia to brain corals and anemones. He has plumbed together with a 12 gal and a 55 gal so water quality is less of an issue... It is amazing. He still does 100% water changes every week. Every time I go there somthing new has grown in the tank.