Lighting question.


Active Member
I have 96 watts of pc lighting on my 15 gal, can I keep most anything, or what can't I keep?


You can keep any lps and some sps like montipora and digitata. You could also keep some anemone like bubble tip. I'm assuming you have a 15 gallon "high" so I don't think you can keep clams. I'm not sure about keeping lps on top only, I think you can keep them anywhere in the tank except where light doesn't go through. I had a 10 gallon before with 40w lighting and everything did really well. I had my frogspawn, leathers on the sand bed.


Active Member
Yeah, I am suprised by vipers answer. I have over 6 watts per gallon, usually thats enough for just about anything :notsure: I was planning some zoos and shrooms at the bottom, already have afew lps frags from my 150 and they are doing great mid tank. I was hoping to put alittle monti cap at the top. I would love a bta annenome for my clown, but maybe my tank is abit small for that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Yeah, I am suprised by vipers answer. I have over 6 watts per gallon, usually thats enough for just about anything
A common misconception. Watts per gallon isn't at all an accurate way to measure light, especially as the tank size gets smaller. For example, I can fit a 9 watt PC bulb over a 1 gallon tank, which would make 9 wpg. However, that 9 watts of PC light still is barely enough light, just enough for some soft corals. When it comes to light, the volume of the coral's surrounding water makes no difference. It's all about the light itself and the position of the coral in relation to the light source.