Lighting question


I have a question in regards to lighting requirements of an anenome. I have been looking at the posts trying to find the answer but to be honest I am fairly new to this hobby and unfamiliar with most of the acronyms and am not sure exactly what lighting I currently have. The lady at the lfs sold me a light that she said would support an anenome but it recently died. I'm not sure exactly what the light would be called or considered but I have 2 36 inch halogen style lights one is a normal white light and is what she first sold me when I bought the setup. The bulb says Coralife 10,000K F30-T11-BP. The second bulb she sold me so that I could support an anenome and is marked Sun Day F30T12/03 P/N 36101 10KJS2. Hopefully someone can decipher these numbers and let me know if they are sufficient for any type of anenome. I am feeling more and more like the owner of my lfs is only concerned with making a buck off me and will sell me whatever she has in stock. Btw the anenome is for a pair of small false perculas.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Almost forgot the tank is a 60 gallon and is 18 inch in height.


you should go with Metal halides or look up the thread on T5's...most anemones need a strong light and what it looks like you have are normal should say on the bulb what the watts are....i had a bubble tip under VHO's and it did alright for little while...a lot of people have had success with T5's but you have to have like 12 bulbs with individual reflectors...which work great for some but i went with 2 250watt HQI's and will be getting another anemone for my maroons