Lighting Question...


Active Member
I have a 40 gallon breeder tank with sps, lps and softies and I've decided to go with mh's. I feel like 2x250's would be too much but one would not be enough. Would 2x150's be better or should I go with one 250 and then add some t-5's?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rs1831
I have a 40 gallon breeder tank with sps, lps and softies and I've decided to go with mh's. I feel like 2x250's would be too much but one would not be enough. Would 2x150's be better or should I go with one 250 and then add some t-5's?
Does a 40 breeder have a center brace like a 65? If so, id only use 2 bulbs, the shade can be annoying.
I have a 65 with 2x150w and its plenty of light. But I use 10k bulbs with actinic supplemented. I am planning on switching to 14k bulbs soon and switch the t-5 act for 10k t-5s.
With the shorter depth of a 40, you could get away with lower par 150w bulbs like 12k or 14k that have better color.
With 2x250w, you could even go with 20k bulbs and have great par throughout the tank.
You have to balance the wattage with the kelvin of the bulbs you want. also, if its not sps dominated, the more likely 2x150 would be just fine.