Lighting Question

I have a 30 gallon long that I am eventually going to turn into a reef, and I have a few different ideas about what to do for lighting.
Which would work better, a HO T5 156 watt unit, or a power compact 192 watt unit.
Also, what is the difference between T5 and T6 lighting?


Active Member
Go with the T5s. You will have more light output and bulbs will last longer plus they do not cost as much as PCs to replace.


the nova extreme pro is a great light to have. It has individual reflectors and you will be able to keep anything that you want. That is coral wise. Just my .02 anyone else feel free to chime in


Active Member
u cant go by watts when keeping corals and inverts. only decent t5 and mh can guarantee keeping anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coastie81
the nova extreme pro is a great light to have. It has individual reflectors and you will be able to keep anything that you want. That is coral wise. Just my .02 anyone else feel free to chime in
They have parabolic reflectors not individual...