Lighting question


My 28 gallon nano is still going strong and doing well. I have not added anything else to it
because I want to set up an old 6 gal Fluval tank to use as a quarantine tank. The original lights melted because they were not good for saltwater so my questions is what should I use for lighting? I was thinking of using some clip on lights but need to know what kind of bulbs. Any info would be appreciated. I'm loving this saltwater hobby - something new a different everyday. Advice please - thanks.


Sorry, the nano section has been slow.
Are you planning on quarantining fish or corals in the 6G? If only fish, you actually don't need a light the lighting from the room they're in is enough, anything above that is just really for you. I used to have a little clip on LED light, that was really meant for a book on my QT tank, just to give me enough light to observe the fishes for ich or other parasites.


Yes, I do plan on using it for fish and possibly coral. Right now I'm seeding some dry rock in it without a light but with pumps going. I was wanting to use some type of clip on lighting. Your idea sounds good. I guess if I do coral, I would have to have some stronger lights then. Thanks - I know summertime is a slow time of year. Everyone on vacation and kids out of school.


Look into the PAR 38 retro fits that can go into a regular clip on light, might be worth getting a clip on that the retro will fit into if you should ever want to put coral in the tank, but for now, no light, is fine for fish.