lighting question


10 gal. reef tank, what kind of lighting should I have... Right now I have two 25watt screw in kind.(I have the 10gal. set up w/the lid)
the light you have now won't grow anything but algea! i think two 32w csl smartlights would be ideal for you, but, i've seen nice 10g tanks with a 175w halide bulbs too. the choice is really up to you.


Active Member
look for some jbj's or sealife customs or make it yourself (some types of power compacts), i have a jbj 72 watts for my 15 gallon tank, DONT WASTE YOUR TIME GOING TO ***** OR PETSMART TYPE OF CHAIN... THEY EQUAL CRAP LIGHTS AND CRAP SERVICE AND NO KNOWLEDGE.. support the lfs or this site i would generally get 3 to 4 watts a gallon but im just a beginner
your best bet would be to build your own custom hood, or have someone do it for you. since it's only a 10g, it won't cost much at all.