lighting question


New Member
I just purchased a bubble tip anemone. I have a 45 gallon tank. What kind of lighting should I use. Right now I just have a 20 watt bulb.


Not good enough, IMO. Look into PCs. I use VHOs and love them, but on a 45, I think power compacts are the way to go. HTH


New Member
I'm still kind of new to this. I don't know a lot about lighting. pc's, vho's, what are they, and where can I get it?
PC's are Power Compact Flourescent lights.
VHO are Very High Output lights.
Not sure what you need, I was just answering your question regarding the above.


New Member
I don't know what kind of lighting I need to use or where to get it. A 45 gallon tank right now has a 20 watt bulb. Seems to be bright enough, but I read that anemones need bright lighting.


you might have better luck in the equipment section.
if you are a handy person, who knows some basic electrical stuff, you can fairly easily wire up either vho or pc bulbs to a ballast, if you are a little tool shy, there are a number of companies selling lighting kits for both of these options. do you have a canopy for your 45, or is the only thing on the top the light and some glass? if you have an actual canopy, you will want to start researching "retrofit" kits for both vho and pc in whatever the length of your tank is, these are easily screwed into the canopy and simply plugged in. if you do not have3 a canopy, you are pretty much stuck with complete vho or pc light fixtures, unless you decide to go the canopy route.


I've found it very helpful to do searches on this board for BTA or 'bubble tip' to find tons of info. I usually do this prior to a purchase… that way I know before hand if my setup will be able to adequately care for it. Good luck.