Lighting Requirements


OK. I've heard several different ideas about lighting requirements for my tank. I'm looking to get some lights for my atnk which is a 5'x2'x2' tank. If I want to run a reef tank, will I need MH's of can I get away with compacts,t5's or something else?


Active Member
It depends entirely on wha tyou want to keep.
You can keep anything under halides and T5s. The largest T5 lamp available that's not TOO big is a 4', 54W lamp. With a 5' tank, you'll either have to stagger lamps or have a 6" unlighted space on each side. 6" probably won't be so bad. You'll want at least (8) 54W lamps for a tank this size, maybe more if you want to keep really high light stuff such as clamp, anemones, etc.
If you go halides, you should be able to get away with (3) 175w or 250w lamps.
Power Compact is obsolete. It's cheap to buy but really expensive to maintain over time so don't bother.


Active Member
I run 4' T5's over a 5 foot tank. No need to stagger them. There are 5 foot T5 setups but you are limited as far as lamp selection goes as well as reflectors so the 4 foot lamps are a better deal.
A lot depends on what you want to raise and if you are using a canopy or need a fixture.


I don't have a canopy over my tank, so I need a fixture. I noticed I didn't see any 60" lights out there, I thought I just wasn't looking hard enough. I'm not sure what we are going to put in the tank, I originally wanted Mh's because I didn't want to be limited by my light, but the wife has other ideas about that and I was looking to see if I could comprimise. So either a bunch of T5's or stick with the MH idea I guess. Thanks for your input guys.


Active Member
Aquactinic 4 foot constellation T5 would allow you to keep about anything in that tank. They also make a 60" Halide fixture.