lighting suggestions for FOWLR tank


New Member
I recently acquired a 180 Gal. acrylic tank. I plan on putting only fish with some live rock in the tank. I was thinking about getting (3) 175W, 10,000K MH lights and some VHO lighting. Do you think I'm wasting my money on the MH? Possibly doing an overkill when VHO would be sufficent.
You would be wasting your money if its going to be a fish only, the big light are to help keep corals are you planning on adding them? then I would go with the MH. but Fonly I would just go with cheap floresants...cya

mr . salty

Active Member
I strongly dissagree here.I have MH over my FOWLR and me and my fish love it. Nothing compares to the beauty of MH. If you can afford it,by all means go for it.MH is not just for REEF tanks.And the VHO is also great lighting.I would love to replace my no flo's with vho.GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is true Mh are awsume and are beutifull, that is why we have them but, they do generate alot of heat and more money may have to be spent on this problem , I have seen some awsome looking tanks with NO and just VHO, thats why I said what I did, ,,cya :)


I had Normal Output (NO) flouresecnts over my fish only tank. I never had problems, and the tank looked great. Mr. Salty is right, MH does truly bring out the real beauty of an aquarium, but you pay the price. I don't think you NEED MH for FO however. If you'd like to eventually keep clownfish with anemones or switch to reef at some point, then get MH if you can afford it. Otherwise, NO is just fine, and very economical.