lighting suggestions please!


I am planning on upgrading my current HO lighting system for my 46 gal bow front with a 192w DX-JG3 flip top JBJ lighting system. This consists of a 96w 10k daylight and a 96w 7100k actinic. I would like to upgrade inorder to establish some more of the soft corals. I currently have some blue shrooms and a bubble coral that are doing very well. I have had them for about 7 months now. My tank is about 14 months old. With the bow front, it appears that I am kinda restricted with the type of lights that I can get for the tank (as far as MH or VHO). The tank is 36X16X20. I am also concerned about the heat. I normally keep the temp at 81, but in the summers it goes up to the mid 80's. I have AC, but the room that my tank is in, is well window'd and there is a lot of natural light (and HEAT!). The fixture I'm looking at has two built in fans, and I will probably remove the glass top that currently is on the tank when I purchase new lights. I can't think about a chiller at this time.
Any suggestion for lighting for the soft corals and the size of tank that I have would be much appreciated!


Well I have a JBJ light and I am not happy with it. It is two years old and half of the time only one bulb will light. I have to play with it to make the other bulb light. Maybe try to diy with a retro fit light setup and a hood. You don't need to have MH if you are not looking to keep corals and clams that require intense lighting. There are many wonderful corals that would be great in PC only.


Active Member
Do a DIY light...they now have available the 96watt is four tubes which are about 17 inches long. Two are 10k, and the other 2 are 03 Actinic. More then likely will save you money.


Thanks for the response! Also thanks for the "heads-up" on JBJ. I was only considering them because of the new "flip top" design. would have made it easier for tank access.


Active Member
Do you have a canopy on the tank?
I have seen several bow front tanks with 3 lights under the hood. 2 36" and a 24" in the front over the bow. You can save money with a retro instead of a full hood if you have a canopy.


No hood, but probably could do the DIY with some type of hood design. Like the idea of the 2 36" and the 24" in front. Have to draw something up.


Active Member
i have the jbj 4x65 and love it. the flip top thing is super sweet and makes spot feeding/tank work MUCH easier.
granted though i've only had mine 3 months. (for the record though, my lfs guy said he used to get jbj's in all the time to fix ballasts but that it's gotten better recently. i think maybe there was something problematic on their old ballasts that hopefully--knock on wood--they've fixed.)