Lighting suggestions?


New Member
what i have:
75 gallon tank with 80-100 lbs rock and about 60 lbs sand
3 clowns, 1 cromis, 1 regal tang, 1 coral beauty angel, 2 pajama cardinals,
2 pseudos
ricordias, many mushrooms,star polyps green and white, several zoos, kenya tree, large colt coral, button polyps, lots of xenias
the usual hermits, snails, brittle star, linkia, 2 porcelain crabs, 2 coral banded shrimp,peppermint shrimp.
250 watt m/h and 60 watts actinic
water parameters stay great like it is.very easy to maintain
what i need to know:
everything seems to be doing good but i dont see much growth in my corals except the xenias.
i have ordered another 250 m/h. it should be here friday.
will this help the zoos to spread?
do you see anything listed that it may hurt?


Active Member
i dont think another 250 watter was neccessary, but since you already ordered it, its not a big problem. you may have some heat issues and you definetley want to acclimate the tank to the extra lighting.
i personally dont think the extra light is gunna get things growing faster. post your parameters and equipment, for example skimmer, powerheads/pumps, filter if any, do you run carbon or phosban?