Lighting suggestions..


Hey Folks,
Christmas fast approaches and one of the things I'm getting this year are the lights for my 46gal bowfront.. My only hitch is that I have absolutely no idea what to tell my husband.. All these spectrums and colors and options and k things have got my head all jumbled up.. I'm completely and utterly confounded..
Things I know I DON'T want:
1.) Metal Halide bulbs.. Nothing personal, I just don't like the heat they put off, replacement bulb costs and electricity demands.. If this is a normal thing with all lighting options, then let me know.. I'm not completely against them, just not wanting to go that route for no reason..
2.) Any lighting that would require that they be hung over the aquarium.. I love my husband, but lets just leave it at that.. I'm not sure if the pendant fixtures are strictly a metal halide thing, but I wanted to add it just in case they are not..
I'd like to have enough light in this tank that I'd not have to upgrade later on down the road.. I'm wanting to have soft corals and perhaps an anemone within the next few years and would like to be secure in the knowledge that I'll be able to meet their lighting requirements.. Most of the things that I've liked have all said moderate lighting, but there have been a few that have suggested strong lighting.. I'd like to just be able to place those particular corals at the top of the tank..
I'm not talking about a full blown reef tank.. I'm just wanting maybe 3 or 4 different kinds that I can spread out around the tank.. Nothing serious, just enough to make me happy :D
Hopefully I've given enough information, but if not let me know.. I'll appreciate all suggestions!! Thanks in advance..


Thanks! I'd like to get at least a medium range of light just so that I would have a better selection of corals and keep them happy.. Looks like those power compacts have upgrades though.. Thanks for the link, I really appreciate your help!!