Lighting suggetions in for a 55


So my birthday is coming up and my husband is buying me a nice oak stand for my 55 gal and we want to convert it to salt. (he is tired of all the little tanks) So, I need lighting suggestions that would run less than $200.00. I have two power compacts now that I can buy actinic bulbs for, so that end is covered. I would have 72 watts actinic. Is this okay or does it matter? What size halide should I get? How far away from the water? Can I still use a glass top? (I have really bad kitties) I need enough light for sps. Thanks in advance!


For your question I suggest you check out a very good thread started by attml-->"Proper Lighting for SPS" in Reef Tanks
I have a 55tall which is 2ft high and 3 ft long. I recently bought 2-96 watt PC , 1 actninc and i 10k, This is a built hood with fans and everything. I also looking for a VHo or a MH that i could fit also on top cus the PC works buti just need a little bit more light. The 96 waatt actnic is perfect but i thick the 10k i need more.So to answer your ? i think more actnic would be better then the 72 watt. You can really tell the diffenece with the actnic bulb on and off. Let me know what you find out about the more lighting also


Well, I found dual 250 watt MH with ballast on ---- for $255.99 after shipping and I went ahead and got them (my husband's gonna kill me.) I'm gonna go with two 10000k Ushios I think. Yeah, I was wondering if 72 watts of actinic was gonna be enough. I am gonna look into two vho's and see if that would work. I'll keep ya posted.
That setup sounds awesome, im jealous...I would check into more acintic though. I would maybe another 96 watter or soemthing in that line. I noticed that the blue light tends to brighten up the fish more and the corals. after i bought my coralife 2-96 watter from my LFS i found 4-96 watters on ---- for 100 more, but 350 for a lite setup for pc is a litle high especially when this is a trial tank for corlas and my 240 is going for a true reef setup...good luck


I found a 48" VHO retrofit kit with ballast, endcaps, and reflector for 158. Bulbs are 20 a piece. I figure two at 110 watts each will work great. I'm gonna look around for a better price, but I doubt I'll find anything better. I can't wait til I get a house big enough for a 240. My hubby is dying for a huma huma trigger, and it just isn't gonna happen in a 55!