lighting timers


Active Member
I am looking for a timer for my new lights, I have a 250w MH and some pc's for actinic, I would like to use one timer for both lights but have the actinic's on a different light cycle than the MH, does anyone know if this is possible or if someone makes something like this?


you can get light controllers that program in such things as lunar cycles and what not. i do not know of a hd type tier that allows for two different times, but if you want to get scientific you can get a light controller.
i find it is easier to just get 2 10 dollar timers from walmart than spend 100+ dollars on a controller, but i am a student...


Eric-Almost any inexpensive timer will work. I found a deal on 2 timers for 7 bucks at a home depot. They work excellent and can be adjusted in 5 minute incriments.
If your concerned about the timer being able to run the ballast, check the amperage rating of the timer. Typically they should be able to handle several amps. Some of the better ones, up to 15-20 amps. I just checked mine and they handle 15 amps residential, 8 amps tungsten. Basically, I wouldnt put any light over 8 amps on the one I have because of the heavy amperage requirements to fire them up. HTH


Active Member
are you saying your lights are all wired together? If so rewirer them to all have their own plug if you can. You should be able to.
Then you can have timers on every light at different times.