Lighting times and suggestions


New to this. I have an 80 gallon with zoos, star polyps, sun corals, octopus corals, frogspawn, 4 rose anemones (they keep splitting), cocoa worms, and various mushrooms. A few small fish. I have them under 14k halides and dual compac lighting. What time should the lighting come on and how long for? I also have the moon light. How long for this? What about flow. I have two pumps, one attached to a scwd which is on all the time and another pump under the rocks at the bottom which I turn on when the halides are on. Any light experts out there to tell me how long the lights should be on as well as the extra pump? Thanks!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Most photosynthetic organisms we use in our tanks originate in the tropics where day lengths don’t vary much 12 to 14 hours of day light if you have blue light you can use them to simulate dawn and dusk periods and more intense full spectrum light for a simulated mid day 12 hrs on 12 off