Lighting too strong?


Not sure if I should post here or in Reef...but here it goes:
Last weekend, I upgraded the lighting on my 55 gal tank from two 55w PC'c and a 40w moonglow, to an Icecap 660 w/ 2 110 actinic whites & 2 110 super actinics. My clarkii seemed to be fine with the new setup, but Friday he started staying in a cave under a big LR and refused to eat. What keyed me to it possibly being a lighting issue is that once the lights shut down last night, he immediately came out and went to his anenome. And this morning after sunrise, he was back in the cave. My question is: Do I have too much light for my setup (have a few corals), and/or am I going to have to remove my clarkii (or will he eventually get used to it)?
Note: The other fish seem fine, and my parameters check out perfect.


Not really sure, but it does sound like a big difference in your total light wattage over the tank. Did you shorten the lighting period when you switched over to the new lighting or are they running on the same timer settings? I would shorten it some and then gradually bring it back up to where you had it before.


I did shorten it some... A problem I have with the Icecap though is that I used to bring the Moonglow light on first for an hour, and then bring on the mains (and reversed the process at night), but with the Icecap, they all come on at the same time. Imagine being outside at night...and the sun suddenly appears directly overhead!
Just discovered my anenome died... Think there's a connection? The clarkii definitely won't be happy this evening when he discovers that...