lighting upgrade suggestions?


i have a 60 gal FOWLR set up and im using 4 - 55 watt bulbs.
Should i go more wattage for better lighting? if so how much wattage?
This is my setup


What are the dimensions? If you can you could try to put 4X110W VHOs (either the 46" or the 48" depending) if you want to have corals OR you could loose the top and hang a 400W metal halide pendant w/ a couple 96 W actinics. it all depends how much $$$ your willing to spend. If you decide not to do anything I would at least change to 65W bulbs instead of 55W. but it all depends on the types of corals you want to keep.


i dont have corals. i wanna keep my light fixture which house 4 bulbs i believe 21 inches is how long they are.
is 65 watts the strongets i can go for that size or can i go 96 watts.
i want the best light bulbs for the fixture i have, money is no object.


Tank dimensions? Whats the ballast rated for?
It appears that keeping the current light set up will strongly limit you with the types of corals you will want to keep. Do you even want to keep corals?
All my suggestions involved replacing the lighting, althouh depending on the ballast you might be able to add the 65s


Active Member
I upgraded my (4) 55watt PC's to (4) 65 watt PC's - but only after checking it out with the ballast/fixture manufacturer.
You may or may not be able to do the same - as Nudibranch suggested - check the ballast :yes:
You can gain a little more wattage this way.
Keeping your existing set up ... your other option would be to mix and match other lamp/bulb K ratings - and see how the tank appears.


220w of PC on a FOWLR is alot of light I don't understand why you want it brighter. Or is it the quality of the light you want to improve? If so then are you running true 03 actinic bulbs or blue 7100. If your running the old blue 7100 bulbs then switch to new 03 actinic bulbs and you will see a world of diffence in overall tank appearance.
Are you running 10k daylights? if not then switch to these as the combination of 2X10k daylight and 2X03 actinics will look great.