Lighting Upgrade


I currently have a 92 gallon corner tank that only has 2x96 watt 36" power compact and would like to upgrade the lighting. I was thinking about adding a 24" power compact (possibly retro kit). It has to be 24" if I added more 36" PC's I would not be able to open the canopy. Then I was thinking about adding MH lighting but was not sure if the glass top canopy would hinder the benefit of the MH lighting. I would appreciate any suggestions anyone can provide. I would like to get adequate lighting for most corals and anemones.


Active Member
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "your glass-top canopy hindering the benefit of MH", could you post a picture of your canopy. If you want to keep any coral, go with MH. But if your just want softies and some lps, go with pc or vho.


When I said the glass canopy reducing the positive effects of the MH lights, I was asking if the glass would reduce the brightness of the lights. Most of the time I have observed MH lights they are on a tank with no canopy. Is this something to think about or if the glass is kept clean there is not a problem?
Also, I have now also read that some MH lights need to be used with a special filter as the UV light is harmful to the inhabitants of the tank. Are there specific types of MH lights to stay away from?
I want to upgrade my lighting and feel MH is the way to go, but I do not know enough about them. Does anyone have any suggestions where I could get more info on these (besides what is online here)?