Lighting upgraded, corals suggestions please



I just added another strip of 65w PC (50/50) for my 20 nano. Before I had only one 65w PC (50/50) and 1 15w NO. So altogether now I have 2x65w PC (both 50/50) over my 20. Before I have only kept mushrooms and some buttons polyps. I wonder what else I can keep and have it thrive under 130w of pc. Please give a few suggestions. Thanks


I would say you could keep any type of leather, frogspawn, bubble coral, Xenia, zoo's, brain coral, and ricordea. I'm sure there are some other's I'm missing, but here are a few that should do fine under 6.5 watts per gallon. The lps corals will do better higher up in your tank.


Hmmm, wow, it sure looks like a good investment for my tank. Before I was told to keep only some shrooms and some buttons and softies. I have absolutely no experience with LPS at all, actually not even with leathers, nor toadstool. I heard leathers and toadstool would release toxin if not acclimate properly.
H2OENGR: I would like to keep a clam, but I know I shouldn't be putting one under PC. Any special corals you could think of????


Active Member

Originally posted by DB
I would say you could keep any type of leather, frogspawn, bubble coral, Xenia, zoo's, brain coral, and ricordea. I'm sure there are some other's I'm missing, but here are a few that should do fine under 6.5 watts per gallon. The lps corals will do better higher up in your tank.

All of the above...and GSP, Colt, Nepthea,Feather dusters,Toad stool,"Tube" Anenomes (type of worm) and low light Gorgonians...
I had all of these (and a couple color variations of some) in my 20 Nano with 130 watt PC...
Not enough light for a clam or anenome...


Colt might get a little too big for a 20 gallon.
That's what I was thinking. Couple days ago went to my LFS and they have a colt selling for $20 bucks and I passed on it because it was already quite big. I think that piece of colt is at least 6 or 7 inches tall.
I love to get some ricordia, but all 3 of my LFS sell them very pricey. One selling @$16 per polyp; one $99 for 4 polyps. I got some green zoos instead for $20 bucks. I hope they would do well.


I'd check on the clam. I've been told that clams will do just fine under intense PC lighting. Just yesterday my LFS expert told me that. You might want to place it closer to the top of the tank to start, but then slowly move it down.
Clams would be an excellent candidate for that small of a tank.


But I think a lot of people out there would against the idea of clams under PC.
Any corals I should avoid getting??? I know I shouldn't touch any SPS.


Active Member
here's my 20, you can grow sps quite well under those lights i have 2x65's but don't expect them to be colorful. the only reason i have these is because they were next to free and i could not pass it up. they grow but don't have the brilliant colors they should. if you would like to try an sps though seriatopora, brownish/mustard variety, and green montipora capricornus do well. turbinaria may also do well. as for clams yes you could keep one. i would stay away from it though. the kind you can keep grow much to large for a 20. here's the pic.


Awesome tank bdhough. Can you list out what corals you have there??? So I can have an idea what I can add to mine.
Yah, I am staying away from the clams. They are not cheap in our LFS here. I am not throwing my $$ away that way. But still thank you for your suggestion H2OENGR.


Active Member
bottom left to right then top left to right
caulastrea/candycane/trumpet coral
euphyllia/branching hammer
euphyllia glabrescens/torch
purple shrooms
montipora digita, supposed to be the purrple morph
acropora,supposed to also be purple tipped
plerogyra/standard bubble
montipora capricornus
of the sps the birdsnest and capricornus grow fastest. my blue and yellow tail damsel hangs out in the birdsnest and i've seen another blue and yellow tail do the same in another tank.