Lighting Watts/gal

What is the deal? I know that 5-10 watts/gal is the ticket for inverts /coral. But Pc, Vho,Mh..Is the wattage applicable to output? I know that a watt is a watt is a watt, but before I spend 3 bills on 96 watts...


Depends on the corals.
What do you wish to stock the tank with?
BTW forget the anenome they have a poor survival rate in captivity and can wander around the tank and kill other corals or them selves.
I have a yellow poylp coral, a green bubble, and a Hatian Condi. I have no particular design in mind for future corals, but I wish to have the option available...not to mention allowing what I have to thrive.


Then IMO go with 250W MH or HQI and actinic support. I have found that 175W MH bulbs are a bit lacking for the higher light corals.
Not to drag this out too long, but how does that appear? My tank is 72", will that make it look blue at the edges(actinics), or does the MH have the intensity to penetrate the water really well?

mr hanky

ranger monroe,
definatly go with mh! they look better and are much less space consuming!! have i got a deal for you!!!! 3 250w mh pendants/3 mh 250w ballast on independant switches, 6500k bulbs 3 installed and 3 extras all the same rating. $650 takes all. and i'm not very far from you. columbia,mo give me a holler if your interested or have questions for me or about lights!!!
or on thanks, mr hanky (robby)
75/150/180gal all salt/reef
I just came from Lowes, and noticed that they have a bunch of MH bulbs. Are these in the spectrum of light that we need, or are Am I comparing a Shoplight to an actinic?
Sorry if this is a dumb question.


those MH bulbs at Lowes is too low in Kevin degree for Salt water aquarium used.
you need minimum of 5500 K
those bulbs at Lowes max Kevin are 4200 K
you can skim on other things but not on the bulbs
Yeah, I did a search online and found that out for myself. I was unaware of the functioning of MH bulbs...pretty intricate.
But I appreciate all of the feedback that I have gotten from all here.