Are your MH bulbs the same? 10000K is pretty white and things grow quicker and the higher you go, like 14000K - 20000K the slower things grow and the bluer the color. I would check your bulbs and see if the K's are matching. JMO. Good luck
They're the same, I've exchanged the bulbs left to right and the spectrum change is the same. Throughout the day i'll notice the yellow side turn bluer, but still not to the same extent. - Wondering if I'm loosing power or what to that MH
I wish I had better info for you but I would think it is more a faulty or wrong K bulb than a ballast JMO. There are more vets on here that know lighting alot better than I so hang in there, I'm sure you will get the right answer.
its possible your not getting full curent can you switch ballasts from side to side if that changes the side thats yellow its the ballast if its still the same side its wires or bulb
I agree, the next troubleshooting step is to switch the ballasts. I'd put my money on that being the problem, especially if you've tried switching the bulbs around.
Is this a single fixture that houses 2 mh's. or do you have 2 fixtures?
do you have the same amount of wattage/kelvin/actinics / same brandnames,same bulb age,ect. on both sides?
MH sometimes have to burn into their true color. I don't know this from personal experience but others on this site have had the same kelvin lamp from hamlton burn it at different colors.