Lighting - Yes, I know this has been beaten to death...


Active Member
Well, I have mentioned the last piece of the puzzle in putting my 100g together is lighting. I am having a really tough time deciding on what to get. It is a 5 foot tank.
I am thinking 2-250w MH, and 2 VHO Actinic. But there are just too many options out there.
I have heard people say good things about Cool Touch Lighting. I found a 48" retro kit of theirs for $325, including dual 250w's and 2 VHO (1-10K, 1 Actinic). Only thing it doesn't include are the MH bulbs. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Then I know that Icecap has a really good name. I found a couple of 250w ballasts for $119 each MH. If I took that route, I'd have to piece it all together, buying all parts separately. In the end, it would of course cost more.
There are some other brands I have seen that I haven't heard of before out there too.
Any suggestions on the best route to take? I could really use some input. I am in lighting overload right now.


Active Member
My 125g (well it's closer to a 100g) is 60". I have 2- 400w MH and 2- 48" 110w VHOs.
The brand is more a issue of money IMO. I went with cool touch because they were cheaper and so far they are working fine. If money is not an issue then there are better ballasts out there.


Active Member
Ballasts get hot, hot, hot... Don't know where they get the name cool touch lighting. They are remote ballasts. I have mine sitting next to the tank.


Active Member
That is actually my biggest concern. I hear horror stories of scorched wood, and I see posts from electricians, etc., saying that some of these ballasts are fire hazards.
But I see you have it sitting on your carpet. I take it that means you don't think it gets quite hot enough to do any damage?


Active Member
Actually I am an electrician by trade... Ballasts at one time was one of the leading causes of electrical fires. Now days most have internal protection.
This is an old pic so it's rearranged a little but it still sits on the carpet. I think w/o the aluminum housing it would be a lot hotter. I can not keep my hand on it after its been running for a while though.


Active Member
Well, that is good to know, actually. I think you just helped me make up my mind. I don't mind it feeling hot to the touch. I just don't want to burn the house down. I really appreciate the help!


If you decide to go with cooltouch you can request a 5 foot reflector for a little extra money. I needed a wider reflector to house more VHO lights.


The name Cool Touch is kind of funny. I've seen a few of these ballast, and their ok. Its basically the same as the standard PFO except for the heat sink isn't made as well....
You can drive to Whitter (Reeffanatic) and get a dual 250 watt standard PFO ballast for 140.00....for a few extra dollars, that's what I'd do.


Active Member
Well, Reeffanatic is actually the other that I have been thinking about. Tough choice...hmm...