lighting ?


I currently have a 37g "cube" (not really exact cube) with a 24" Coralife lunar aqualight over top. 130w - 65 10,000k day, 65 true actinic 03 blue and 2 lunar LEDs. I only have a few softies right now but I had a thought. Could I get a MH spotlight to hang in the front of the tank to up the wattage per gallon? Or just a smaller MH light to put in front of the coralife. I know I don't have a very high wattage for many corals and I'd like to fix that by adding MH lighting to my current PC lighting. What do you suggest?


you could get a pendent if you want ... if it works with both systems
that would be cool
if not just go with a higher wattage bulb
you might want to keep some actincs(sp)


I want to keep my entire PC setup. I just want to add a MH spot light or something similar to it. My plan would be to keep the timing the same on the current lights, actinic on at 8, day at 10, day off at 6, actinic off at 10, lunar 10pm-8am. But w/the MH lighting I would just turn it on 12pm-4pm so the lighting would be more realistic. I'm just not sure what wattage I should be looking for because I don't want to kill the corals but I also want it to be high enough that I can think about getting a clam or two and some other thing sthat require stronger lights.


Anyone have any suggestions on places with good lighting prices and what brands are the best? I think I'm leaning towards a pendant/spotlight.


Ooook. I just went to my lfs to see what kind of prices he could get me for MH lights, he can usually find some really low stuff. He can get me a Hamilton 175w pendant light w/14000k bulb for $150. I think I'm going to go with this. Anyone disagree with this idea? I just need to figure out how I'm going to hang it above the tank.. And would this added to my PC fixture be enough wattage to be able to maintain clams and corals that need MH lighting?


the 14k is gonna be more blue of a color and with your pc actincs you're gonna have a really blue color IMO
maybe see if you can get a 10k bulb