

New Member
I have been trying to decide between a T5 setup or a Power compact. I can get either retrofit kit for pretty close to the same price, but was not sure which one would be a better investment. I have a 55 gallon tank, and dont think I will be doing any really difficult corals anytime soon. I might possibly do a couple of anenomes, but they would be low light. Anyone have any suggestions?


New Member
I am not too sure on what types of corals, probably just easy stuff that does not take too much to keep up. I want to do clams eventually, but that is a while down the road when I can buy a much larger tank. I would say soft corals for the time being, (I think that is the kind, I always get them confused on which can handle the lower lighting, hard or soft). I dont want it to be a complete reef only tank, I will still be keeping some fish, and small inverts. I am still researching the corals and looking into all of that info. :notsure:


I have a 58 gal equipped with 2 65w actinic, 2 65w VHO and one power glo. Cheap way to go but effective. I have shrooms, all kinds of Polyps, Zoos, feather dusters bubble coral, candy canes, Xenias, star polyps, etc. All do well. I introduced a clam about a month ago and he seems to be doing good.
The tank I have is long and not very deep so the light penetrates to the bottom easily. I guess the answer to your question is your tank design. The deeper it is, the stronger light you need


New Member
Ok, thanks. My tank is just a standard 55 gallon, 48 x 12 x 16 I believe. The light system I was looking at is 2x65 12000K and 2x65 actinics. The T5 set up is only 2x54, 1 white and 1 actinic. I have heard both sides so I am not sure which way to go. My lighting now seems to get pretty good down to the bottom of the tank, but I want to be able to keep corals and such.