

New Member
Hi, I have a 48" PC light w/ (2) 12000k i'm assuming full spectrum bulbs and (2) blue atinic bulbs that generate 260watts on my 55gallon tank (4.7watt/gal). What i am wondering is if i get another PC same exact kind as the one i got which will boost up my watts to 520, will that be too much for anemones and corals? cause its like 9.5 watts per gallon. I could instead get a 130 watt PC too.. and that would be 390 (7.1 watt/gal)
Also i have a 30 gallon tank that needs a light i was gonna use it for quarintine but now i think i will stash some corals and what not in it and keep it strickly anemone and reef w/ possibly clowns to host.
I was gonna get a PC with 192watts (5.3 watt/gal) for it. Currently on it i have two seperate light fixtures one holding an atinic and the other holding a full spectrum probably generating 130 watts not sure tho.. soo if i need more watts i can place these other too on the tank as well.
Also with the lights, should there be and equal amount of atinic and daylight.
ex. soo if i put another 48" PC strip that 130 watts should it have one daylight strip and atinic strip or both atinic or all daylight???
Finally, if any can direct me to where i can see or get a list of what wattage goes with what kind of coral or anemone that would be awesome. It's just something i would like to know before i go to the LFS. :thinking: