

I have a FO tank and was thinking about getting into a reef tank. I have a standard 55 gallon tank. The hood uses a 48 inch bulb. I have a 40 watt bulb in there and it's not the blue colored reef kind. I know the 48 inch blue colored reef lights are also 40 watts. So do i need to replace the FO light with the blue light and that is it? If i need more lights how do i put them on the tank?


You are going to need more than that. There are a couple of ways to go. On my 55 I am using two power compact lights. The advantage, for me anyway, is that they are self contained, small, and every time I lift the hood to my tank I am not blinded by the light.
Otherwise you will have to get new fixtures to mount on the hood.


No way! Depending on what type of reef you want to get, you should probably go for the top lighting right away as then you have your options open later. I know tanks your size that have 2x400-watt Metal Halides + VHO actinics. If you don't want to keep SPS then you will not need this much light, but it is a good idea to get it because you will eventually want it anyway! Believe me I know from first hand experience!




Originally posted by reptilicus:
No way! Depending on what type of reef you want to get, you should probably go for the top lighting right away as then you have your options open later.

Are you saying no way to me? I was under the impression that the power compact units were very good for any type of reef system. If not what are my limitations?


First off, what type of "reef" tank are you wanting. I was scared away from reef tanks for a long time by the high $ demands for lighting systems, high end protein skimmers, etc. I finally jumped into it and for what I want in my tank (LR, some inverts, some fish, an anenome, & some soft corals) two 48" and one 18" (left over from an old tank) seem to be working quite well! I have a 10,000k white 48", a 50/50 actinic blue 48" and another white 18".
If you're going to want to keep expensive, exotic hard corals and other difficult specimens go the metal halide route. But I've found you can have a beautiful reef tank without selling your first born.


I agree with Groucheux..I have a 55 with 2 40 watt 50/50's a 40 watt full spectrum, and a 40 watt Actinic Blue..And my reef is doing very well. My live rock is covered with Coralline, My corals fully extend and are growing fairly fast.(I've propagated my Gorgonian twice.) But you will have to stay with the less light demanding corals. Such as some Gorgonians, Bubble coral, most any polyps, mushrooms, Cult coral, some of the leather corals, etc.etc....Check my web page in a couple of days, and I'll have some pics of my corals and tank... Buy the best lights you can afford...
[This message has been edited by Tattooedlife (edited 06-12-2000).]


sorry mate, I wasn't saying no way to you! I just read my own post an got confused so I can see where the confusion came in! I was saying no way to whether he could just have 1 NO actinic on a reef tank! I have no experience personally with PC's but I have seen some beautiful reefs lighted by PC's and if only they were available in my country I'd be very interested in getting some! Sorry for the confusion.


you will need more lights for it... I have a 55 gal. and have 2 sets of double lights on it and all my stuff is growing very nice....