

i have a 48", 55 gallon aquarium. in great need of some lights and a good deal. i wasn't expecting to have to buy lights, but that's the way it goes. i plan on having a fowlr tank with maybe some soft coral/ anemonme later on.
if someone has something like that. i was looking at some Satellite compact duel fluorescents(260 watt (4-65) with lunar lights/fan for 249.99 and orbit compact fluorescent lunar lights with 48" (260 wat (2-130 watt) 4 lunar lights/fan for 249.99.
if you have anything better let me know. is this too much/ too little for what i'm looking at in my tank?
i'd appreciate any help.
i am looking into buying heater, timer/powerstrip, heater, thermometer and powerhead. if you also have these let me know. make me an offer i can't refuse. lol