

here fishy

I would like to upgrade my lighting for my 55 reef...I hve two strip lights in this tank right now...One blue and one florsecent...I have not had any troubles with anything I have kept in this tank as I have been very selective with what corals I have put in there and their lighting needs..
In a perfect world what would be ideal? I am being offered a great deal on some corals and would like to have the my lighting needs fixed first...


I went to one of the big LFS in Houston with that same question. They carry a custom, made for them, light strip that fits right on my current hood where the 2 strip lights you mentioned sit. I went from 60w to 220w without modifying anything. I now have 110w actinic blue and 110w of 10000k daylight. The front and back lights are switched seporatly and the strip includes 2 cooling fans. The strip is modifiable to add more fans on the other end too. Asking for email info,or offering links through email is not allowed here...It's considered a sneaky way around our "NO LINKS"rule...MR.SALTY.
[ December 16, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


Active Member
I have have a 55 gallon reef tank with 3 48 inch VHO lights. This gives me 330 watts. I currently keep mushrooms, bubble coral, xenia, and a closed brain.


What kind of corals will you be keeping?
This will determin what you need to do.

here fishy

Good question Q,..I will be keeping bubbles and other hard corals. I have not had luck with them in the past hence my post....My wife is from Portland by the way!