

New Member
I am looking for some answers from you more experienced than me. I am really starting to slowly add to my reef tank after having it up and running for just over a year. It has as 250W HQI Metal halide 20k light is there anything that is not enough for and I should stay away from. Is that to much for some that it may harm? Thanks ahead of time. I curently have a damsel and a clown with several mushrooms, some frogspawn, condy anemone, a few zoo's. Anything I should stay away from? It is only a 35 gallon tank and almost perfectly square.


250 w is more then plenty for a 35, im running 216 t5ho in my 55. you only have 20k? if you really want the tank to shine you can add 10k to brighten it up, altho there is starting to become a big following for florescent only tanks.


Active Member
u hv enough light to supports anything u put into the 35, providing ur water quality is good.