

I am considering getting an icecap 660 with 4 24" 75watt vhos. OR, maybe only useing 3 24" 75 watt vhos. This would give me either 10.34 w/gl or 7.76 w/gl respectively.
Is this a good system for maintaining just about any thing I want. I.E. sps and clams (maxima).
Whether I use 3 or 4 depends on if I can install 4 into the hood (still in process of making). The tank is 30" x 12" so I don't know if it will be deep enough to house 4 vhos.
Any thoughts?


Yes it will be on the 29 gallon now and then in a year or so when I upgrade to either a 90 or 120 (havn't decided yet) I will use the 660 with 4 110s and MH's.


I just came back from the LFS. I asked them about if I could keep sps and clams (maxima) in my tank with either 10 or 7.7 watts per gallon of VHO.
They said most sps, but not clams (except squasmosa and deresa.) They said I have to have MH to get the right intensity and spectrum to really keep some sps and maximas happy.
Any other opinions?????


Ok, I am probably starting to annoy people now, but I am going for it anyways.
I have really been considering my light choices. The two objectives are to keep sps and clams thriving and happy, and to be able to use the light system in either a 90 or 120 gal when I upgrade.
When I upgrade I am planning on a dual 250watt MH along with an icecap 660 with 4 48" 110watt VHOs. Either 7.8 w/gl in the 120 or 10.4 w/gl in the 90.
Thus my options for now seem to be
1) get the vho and run 4 75w = 10w/gl
2) get the vho and run 3 75w = 7.8w/gl
3) get the vho and run 2 75w vho and 2 55w PC = 8.9w/gl with broader spectrum
4) get a dual MH 250 = 17w/gl way too much.
5) get single MH 250 = 8.6w/gl. But this may not look right with only MH???
6) single MH 250 + 2 55w pc = 12.4 quite a lot, and a pain to do.
Any ideas?
keep in mind that I have a 29 gallon that is easy to overheat.