

New Member
im new and trying to figure out my best lighting solutions. Right now i have regular florescent but im thinkin i need better but dont know how much better. can everyone give me advice.
and also a good place to buy some new lights.
I have a 48" 75 gallon reef tank. eventually i want a clam and i want my coral to grow out of control.
thanks forall advice.


I have a 48" 75 gallon reef tank. eventually i want a clam and i want my coral to grow out of control.
One word: Metal Halides
Well, ok, two words, but you get my point. Don't dink around and waste your money "building up". Do it right the first time. Personally, for a 75, I would go with two 250W 10K MH bulbs with four actinic VHO flourescents. If you want to go with more SPS, probably a 400W MH would be better but I don't have any experience with them.
If you do a search on Metal Halides, or Lighting setups, you will get a whole crapload of hits. Many people more knowledgable than me have written in those and that should help you out much more.
Good luck and Welcome to You will learn more here in a week than I did in all 4 years of college :D