lights, camera....action!


okay, just lights really. I have a 29 gallon tank with a clownfish and 2 damsels. I'd like to add a small bubbletip anemone if at all possible, and have read that lighting is important to these critters. My tank came as a kit, so the only lighting I have is what came with it. What is the necessary lighting I'll need for this size tank, and is it possible to have it incorporated in the tank as it is now, meaning is it just a matter of light bulbs or will I need a new hood setup?


I had to, they said that the lighting is not sufficient enough with the standard lighting fixture. I belive it has to be 3-5 watts per gallon. then if you keep your hood you have to install a balast which is tricky and expensive. I got a power compact 130watt, 30" wide and i have a 30 gallon. they are pretty pricey so do your research. good luck!!!


if you go to and type in fish tank lights there are a few good places i jsut ordered my PC from Marine Depot for a good price. I picked up a 20" 96 watt PC for my 10g tank. I know thats a little less then 10watts per gallon but i couldnt beat the price compaired to other lights.