Lights for a 180G


I currently have a well established FO tank with basic NO lights (maybe 160W). I plan on putting LR and maybe LS as well as some hearty corals (nothing to difficult to keep).
My budget stops at around 700 dollars for lights (It was 500) and te tank is built into the wall so I need something I can set right on the top of the tank.
I am eyeing up a package for around 540 or so W's of VHO (4 bulbs total, 2 are actinic). Will this be sufficient? Can you guys and gals make some recommendations so I can get the most bang for my buck? I would really appreciate it.
What can I do for 500 - 700 dollars.


you could probably do about anything with that money, first off don't buy the deal you spoke of for 540.00 thats too much imo for that setup. is it possible for you to hang them in the wall over the tank? or does it have to be a complete hood already? there are alot of sites online that have diy sets that will save you a ton of money. email me and i will give you some sites to check out.


Active Member
I would recommend halides for a tank that big/deep. You will be much happier. I wish i had 500-700 bucks to spend on lights:(