Lights for a 36 Bowfront


As pretty mcuh everyone knows I am doing a 36 Gallon bow front SPS only reef tank. However I am having trouble finding a good lighting system. What would work good, and support SPS and clams on a 30" x 21" deep 36 bow? It owuld be nice to have a fixture with MH/T5 combo, so I could have actinics on for awhile and the MH as the daylight bulb....any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Deffinately strong lighting for an SPS dominant tank. 30" that right? 250W MH/T5 combo would work. If you want an all T5 fixture than I would probably sugguest nothing less than an ATI fixture...maybe a TEK Elite or Hamilton but ATI is the best for penetration past 18" depths. Not sure you'd be able to keep clams on the bottom though. You'll probably need the MH's if you want to do that. Or the right LEDs if you can afford them.


Well-Known Member
Sent you a link...if you can spare a few extra bucks it would be worth it IMO. I'd say for SPS tank with clams you'd want 250W MH. It might be doable with a 150W but I'd opt for a 250W to be on the safe side.