Lights for live rock


I am going to buy some live rock tomorrow and was wondering if I need to buy a special light for it or if I can use the ones that came with my tank. They are just regular lights.


LR does not need to be under intense lighting to be a filter. All the holes and crevices in the LR give room for bacteria to work thier magic. LIght doesnt really have anything to do with this.
What you need the more intense lighting for is the growth of other things such as coraline, polyps, and many other things that can be found on the rock.
So you can have LR fine without the need for any PC, WHO, or MH. But if it is normal florescent, you might want to consider the marines ones so at least the light spectrum matches closer to what is found in nature. Also, that way any life such as coraline wont really die off too much. I dont know if it will grow much under NO lighting, but I know it will stay alive under NO.